
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Pooor JOe: wher is JIMMYU!?

Thursday, January 12, 2006


STill is no JImY! Joe on the job: is on the JOB: and wooorking and lookinup and exppcet see JImmy! (Ol Firend!) and say Hey pally and wanna shoot of some hoops?!

Well - no JImmy! NO Laas Vegas show: Is somehitng call of Criiminal MInd? IS what? A TV shoow? JOE tell what is NOT: IS NOTT A show starrin he ol frien JImmy Caan!

JOe keep he eyes open: and repport in back soon: Hope for ghood news: which woul only be: Jimmy back (hypoothectally spppeakin!)

KEep WATchihng!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


WHa is : WHa in th WOrld: is GOINNG ON?!

JOe is shoowin up a t th eoold sppot: where JEimy is : weher JImmy makin all the mooive magic of the SHOW: SHOW IS: LAS VEGAS SHow iwth JKIMMY ON ABC cannel 4: THAT WHere JoE at: where JImmy shoouild be:

HE NOt here: HE = (equal) of JIMMY!!!

COnffusned! IS: JOe!
Woorired: Is: Joe!

What Action: Is JOOe to tAKE!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


WHere I s JoE Friend: NAme is JImmY?

HE not a t he woork place: is not where makking of the show: LAs VEgasSHow with JImmY Caan: on Channel 4 AVBC! JOe there todday: and NO JIimMY!

Joe woorried: is JImmy okaY?

Monday, January 09, 2006

OOF to SeE JIMMY TOomroow!

Ben A LOONG time sinnce sieing the JImmy: what whiith he worok on the Los VEgas show: and JOe jmarriagge to GIrl: We bein busy!

SOo mcuch cattch up on: how things Pally? HOw you Bein? How is the Wife? YOU happy may ghood friiedn?

Geez: JOE may noot get a woord in heself! (HA and HAW: Is tha Famouus JOe sense OF huMOR: Get YOu eevery time!)

O COurse, JOe askking many quesiton of himself: NUMBER one OF CUORSE IS:
WHN yOU loosing that suptid Fecail Hair?

Haw WHaw: moore Humor! Off to bed - see ya (JImmY) tomorroow!

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