
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Saturday, April 03, 2004


I'm saying (joe saying) did the e church I spent myu wholw liife except the last 1 year in, prepare me for my curreent siituation?

Leet us see: I was borned there (in hospital but wiwth mom and pastor standing by- a prayer said on lil' Joe's head.) I was babtized there TWICE full immersion a n impportant partt of Faith! Schoolee d except fro Home SAchooling there , at chruch. Every Sundaay of course, Monday, WEDnesday Bable studdy group (thrusday was yourth grroup later), cleaned the church saturday night for $$ asnd never say it (into plate next day) ran the sound for the Sunday services, made the coffee and the red punch, I later lit some candle, and wrote a song for SERV ICE goes "Am I the Apple of your eye, Lord?!" OLder getting Joe, he runs the kids service, aftter running from making coffee and the redd stuff and mikes working - listen to Pastor Dallas and run to take kids to Little Church we call it and
Make Them Laugh and Make Them Think with puppet plays of my own devices...20

@ 20 years!

Well. I learned a lot of shit about running scaredddd. This helps a bit now. I leaned to say soome shit with TOTAL CONVICTION which I have hfournd a gift at times PREPARED YElike "That's my goddamm coat" as I steal it, or "I gonna hit you" as I run.

Then there's my foundness for Red Veltet which sshould hlepl if I ver find that Hole House Matthew was talkiing about. oPEN up PUUSY WIDE, HJOE HUNGRY!

IGnoring Obbiouvious Persional beef with Dick head (aka Dick Head Superstar) I am whoollly un prepaared for this world. Despite the fact thhhat Surrgery does work and hand and head work beeeter, depsite the fact that I deeram of othttter things than Holly gates and Jen Jeeenifer.

I am not weel!

But hanks for trying, ma ma

Friday, April 02, 2004


Get this and I ddid talk to JEn JEnnifer (no Pimply at Sarbucks upsstaris did:and wrote it dowwn thansk a bunch Dorkus--> Get a SAVIOR).

Turns out she is s reaading thi thing and when she does QUOTE: "I get Wet"

Too bad. Wet is nnoot in JOe plans now, wet put OUT FIRE

and JOe wwant to G BURRRN!

Thursday, April 01, 2004


I've ggot friends in LOW places...
if you get my drift.

More to follow. Let's go there together! No ticket

(hands bewtter)

Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Joe lookinng through E.G's shsit! Scary. LIsts of nsames (all dead recent), list of peoplee that Joe thinks are not still around. List of names like Joe,with swuiggle mark-- and Stephanie and Julien and Chip or Charles and Rober O. Who/what Kille4r?

1) E.g. Hate lord a lot.
2) Not as much as JOE> JOE KEEPS NO LIISTS. JOE on OWn MIssion
C) What's with the ddiagrams? E/G Workin on OWN TEMPLE. Where his ass when need kicccking by JOE?
%_) Scary.

BUT LET JOE SAY THIS: ALL DEATH SA RE TRAGIC AND BELIEVE THIS PROMISE FROM JOE: If not spared etarnal blow-foff by sucker Savior, I will take this up with MANAGEMENT!@ HE (GoD ) is blowing it by taking all the goooood people. I think

Eyees hurt less thanks for asking fUUCKER!

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Theology lesson to fflollow (see below or ask Joe hisself at joemcpuppet@yahoo.com) that's me, Joe. Pay atteeetntion

Maaybe it being near E.G. at least E.G.s stuff down here in my basement prison. BUT A GOOD DAMN DREAM:

Dying and dead. Surroundeed by other dead people A VOICE: You will not see them! (THEy disappear, dead peole) Alone for Etrnity! (The VOICE AGAIN)

And then flames and flames and eeach loveeler than the last

Cue: “Ring of FFIRE by” Socail Distortion and ROLL CREDITS!

JOE Happy and thank everyone in dd credits. SPECial Thank s to ol pal Mel an d Jerememy and E.g. of course SEE YA ALL THER I HOPE

Is my Blog HOT
or NOT?

Monday, March 29, 2004


Blue eyed an dpretty so pretty and she calle d Joe. Called Joe!!! She eeehghg!...

Eever trry typinng wit a n eyee full of puss? IN a soggy basement formerly inhapbited by soomeone you uised to beat up regurealy and loved?

It's wwwierd down her: E.G. has picctures of the kid the son who dieeed I guess hope HE's IN HELL not that other awful place. Al.so som e preety neat stuff for a bum. Technical stufff and diaagrams!

An d I dragged the dam computer through the crowwed yelling' "Where is Joe?! I mus t meeet Joe! I'm blind see my bandages see my eys so red I coulld cry fo r a million years"! and they bouggght it, pushed me aside, alosmot borke preccious compueter.

Se t it up. E.G Says ETHERNET all the time in my ear. Well guess wha t all his fiddiling back there at the place fiddiling wiht my V CR (worked betttter) DVD( alos better also gone now to fucking mob of leper s and dead men) an d NOW compueter work SOOOOO WELL! WOO W! Magic:

Starbucks upstairs. Gave Jeremy my number :"the pay phone, Jeremy, but please don't call" He say messages. I hang tthe fuck up. WHY?

Some freaky kid up stairs shows his pimplly face down in my basement door KNOCK KNOCK!(ME: "Who the fug are you? You blind too, I'm out of healing game?" KID SAY: Ed Grover (who?) weas always so goog to us, he fixed our omputer system for freee, wheere he at, and if you a fridn, here are allthese mesasages:"

Something (PUSS EYES) "Detective SomeShit and missing persons whatever' and some shit aobut "Bishpop Someshit syaing Edward Grover (who?) is not a ministerrr no more(fuck 'em both and I'm sure E.G. get a grand old laugh aabout misdirrected mail where ever his sorry ass is and I kick it (his ass) in happy memeory of happiere times!

Bbut for JOE: message

SO Jen Jennifer the girl with the preety eys thoese clear blue eyes, she from Chruch school, Joe had always the cruxh on, so pure an d blue blue eys -- is calling: She in love? With WHO?

" Bad boy JOe?" or "I hear you touch peole and make them well you are like Him!"

Havenot spoke but which which WHICH do I want/?!???????!

wnt to fuck her, but no t if I'm the Chosen one! That curse. I want to fuck her but not if I"m the OH SHI! SHe never understand the level of hatred for the mother fucker and all my work with MEL!

I don't know anything an I am hounde3d from place to place. And this!!! A boner to boot!@


Sunday, March 28, 2004


Though blind a s a bat (puus in eeys, bandagaes leeking) I can SEE. I can FeeL!
HE's coming clloser - that one - he's in Utah, in St. George now! I n a tent thinking about JOE! Gonna kill JOe? Gonna Kill Joeee? Gonnna save Joe? Gonna Kill Joe?

Geetting clooser! I se pictures in my brain! He's a dark hairded warrior who

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