
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Friday, September 23, 2005


On you riright y0ou see: a sfathful rectration of a dinner date wi some spilling of coCsmoPOlitln at menntion of word "DIgby"

tak a momen to obbserve the look of love on JOe's face; pleease to observe ethe loss look on othter peeople face -- they nnnever know a love such as JOe and GIrls...

our rid e continute now, please to keep hand and ffets insiside of tram at all of times: and hlod on to them hats and glalsses
cux this hear the WIldest WRide in the WESST!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

MO Observations oN CHRLY BRONSON

IS: making of a MOdel shop: IS Wacthcin a gril die: IS throowing nives at a Board: iS Tkaking of pislls at nigh (Cannot sleep?): IS going Marrine land and geeting all bugged at Chilcdren makin noise _ he wanna see some fish gooddamnit!

CHARLY DO NOT LIKE THEM DOCCORS EIther! JOe can relatte (givien he hsitory and where they send JOe: to meet of MAker (SUcker Christ) and the subbsequent harteache of this trtip.


You see: part of poorblem beeing JOe is that: Missed all mvies groowing up!
You seee: JOe was brroughtin up in aa very CHrsitian HOUsellhold by MRs. Mcpuppet (an much annger on THat TOpic!)
SO: see: they no movvies aloowed: no seccular movivies: and we call Blocokbuster Vviideo=Sinbuster! AKA: no go for lil JOe!

Well, all channgin now: so JOe gettin a reall good education:

FIrs up: The great JOn Candy in WHo Harry Crumb? which I s a Clssaic! and Wogons EASt: also great! You diee too young, JOHN!

NEx: "
Unfoorgivne" which is a major dissapoingment: is all aobut old people in hats and nothin to do with exceellent song by group name of MEtaliica

T: too much too say: Mel, myy haTS ARE off to you: both of them (wink and wink) the one for head and the one foor lil' JOe(which meanning my penis for all you sqauars - MEL GIT IT!!!)

NOW: JOe is bbboroadining horizions: is chckin in on a man name of CHarlaES BRonson (They a funny stoory abou how this coome to be: but involve JOe friend Nam of JImmy: and AS KNOW: Joe mus check all wit JIMMY befor tell

SO SUFFIICE TO SAY: JOe is be watching hte filmoggrophy of one CHArley (CHIUCK) Bronson!

1) St. Ives
2) is: Death of WISh
three= MEchanic (watchin now:)

Summation so far:

CHuck is - suphisticated - smoke of a pipe - listen to classic music on a real kkkeen tape of deacK: goo taste in cloothes and ladies - he like of the finner thin g sin life:
but he mus kill for a living:


JOe wonner if CHuck is like he movie-slef in real life;


LIke MEL is EXXACT;y like movie self: aaka kickicng JEsus ass all fucging day long and niight time too!

MO later: joe is still woorkin on he Eductaiont. aFfer BRonson is someowon name of BErrtoluci! (JIMMY SAY: go man go!!!_0_)

WAHAt A kidder that JKIMMY! goota lov him!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


an ANsSWER IS: NO! you aree not: GIRL is GIRL (GIrl who is JOe Wiffe: Nam is GIRL!!!)

PAinT A PIcKTure OF JOe foor YOU: HERE is yoou ffirend JOe: NAm is JOe!) siiting on a couuch wattchin a TV show starrin T-Boz and CHilli: in piccutre you perhapps notice a beeeaufiul woman/lady/ a GIrl and She is JOe GIrl an she layiin her prrety head on JOe lap: in picture prrhaps you nootice hoow happy thehey are: in picture perhapps a notice a look onn JOe face: IS what? IS a Smile: is JOe pencsive perhsaps? PerhaPPS jOe is dreamming of A new Movivie by he frieend Mel (mmaker of PAssion OF CHRISST: Nujmber one JOe favvoire movie jus ahead of WHo HArry CRumb wit the inccoomprable John Canndy); pehraps he dree3aming of PASSION #2: where JEsusu REREEALLY GET the SHHIT BEAT OF !!!!

Yes: JOe is smilling: but you bee wrong: He (JOe) is juss sititing there - watcching TV wih he Girl and bein happy!

THEere a piicture for you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005



JOe missing the firrs par of your big show to nighT! SOoo soorry AND KNOWING IT THE PRREMEIRE OF JIMMY SHOW IN LAS VAGAS: and please accept tof the appolizgiexs. Have a good excucuse and will tell you when speak : but pleas to forgiv you fororend JOe

ALSO: JImmy: iff any spezil instuructions to Joe THat YOU telling JOe ON YOU SHOW (as is ourr custuom - you and mee): SPezil ISnsturictions; on what to do;whwer to go; who to hurt: JUst know that JOE missing them

Less speak a lalnd line OKay?!


Monday, September 19, 2005



(SHE, is Girl, NO! is JOe'S GIRL!)

SHe wann Joe to poss the lyrics to Kangaroo song, and it go all aobut her Sweet dreams all about lil JOe - IS luckies GUy: is JOe!

So here is: For GIRL: is lyurics to Kagaroo song;

There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying. He gets himself up
onto one elbow and 'e turns to his mates, who are all gathered around and 'e says:

Watch me wallabies feed, mate
Watch me wallabies feed,
They're a dangerous breed, mate
So watch me wallabies feed
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl,
Keep me cockatoo cool
Ah, don't go acting the fool, Curl
Just keep me cockatoo cool
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

'n' take me koala back, Jack
Take me koala back
He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac
So take me koala back
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Let me abos go loose, Lew
Let me abos go loose
They're of no further use, Lew
So let me abos go loose
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

And mind me platypus duck, Bill
Mind me platypus duck
Ah, don't let 'im go running amok, Bill
Just mind me platypus duck
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Play your didgeridoo, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
Ah, like, keep playin' 'til I shoot thru, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred
Tan me hide when I'm dead
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde
And that's it hangin' on the shed!!
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

THERE GO:! ANd Swweeet DREams to you my loove: my GIRL!

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