
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Saturday, April 03, 2004


I'm saying (joe saying) did the e church I spent myu wholw liife except the last 1 year in, prepare me for my curreent siituation?

Leet us see: I was borned there (in hospital but wiwth mom and pastor standing by- a prayer said on lil' Joe's head.) I was babtized there TWICE full immersion a n impportant partt of Faith! Schoolee d except fro Home SAchooling there , at chruch. Every Sundaay of course, Monday, WEDnesday Bable studdy group (thrusday was yourth grroup later), cleaned the church saturday night for $$ asnd never say it (into plate next day) ran the sound for the Sunday services, made the coffee and the red punch, I later lit some candle, and wrote a song for SERV ICE goes "Am I the Apple of your eye, Lord?!" OLder getting Joe, he runs the kids service, aftter running from making coffee and the redd stuff and mikes working - listen to Pastor Dallas and run to take kids to Little Church we call it and
Make Them Laugh and Make Them Think with puppet plays of my own devices...20

@ 20 years!

Well. I learned a lot of shit about running scaredddd. This helps a bit now. I leaned to say soome shit with TOTAL CONVICTION which I have hfournd a gift at times PREPARED YElike "That's my goddamm coat" as I steal it, or "I gonna hit you" as I run.

Then there's my foundness for Red Veltet which sshould hlepl if I ver find that Hole House Matthew was talkiing about. oPEN up PUUSY WIDE, HJOE HUNGRY!

IGnoring Obbiouvious Persional beef with Dick head (aka Dick Head Superstar) I am whoollly un prepaared for this world. Despite the fact thhhat Surrgery does work and hand and head work beeeter, depsite the fact that I deeram of othttter things than Holly gates and Jen Jeeenifer.

I am not weel!

But hanks for trying, ma ma
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