
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Guess where My ATM card is? I BURNT IT UP!

I was Joe waaiting in line at the bandk machine. Somedud in front freaked out cuz the machine eat his card. Joe was staring at him, jus watchin the dude freaking out. DUDE IS soooooooooooo frusttrarted, sssssssssssooooo DISappointed!

hEY, dude, I KNow aobut DISAPPOINTMENT!

So Iburnt my card right there! Told the POSt OFFICE too, I said, Post Offic, the only way I want my mial delivered is Jesus Christ brings it hisself" an d they laughed. I laughed rightalong, cuz they GET IT! JC SUPERSLuG wouldn't get off hisAss to say "Hey Joe, walcome to Heaven, " SO how's he gonna find the energi to dliver mael?!

Besides the Govenrnment will find me wiht my MONEY! They want thiss story told! TAKE THAT, JSUS and WINd YOUR WATCH ! ONCE JUST once!
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