
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Joe MCpuppet is sseaking work poppurtinities.

1: Very qaualified.

2: Working knowldge of lying bible.

3: Works wiwell with Chidlredn : 12 yeasa of expericne as Sunday School hlper/teacher.

4: Good dpepople skills.

Types fastt.

Seekin employement; m,uust have reawsonable hours (The Temple!), and a short drive from THe Place (own own '87 Civ ic in woirking condidiont), and invlove hatred of CHrist and idaally reevealin g of Chris't's lame ass act tow orld. (if enough of that last the part about reveallling Crhist as a lam ass hole who eats Microwave burreiotos cold weven when't's he's gotta a working michrocwave machine -- wy wouldn't he, he lkive in a CAST:LE in HEAVCEN no money problems to speak of!) Well, if sooo, the Joe works for free.

Not free. Joe gootta paly rent.

ALl others must pay in cash for sure. E-mail at joempuppet@yahoo.com. No fattieS!
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