
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Friday, March 05, 2004


JOee is funny. Yes ss hee is seerious about Hatting Jesus Christ and tellint the world hwha t a loser they have eleceted as thir SAvior!@

But whene joje LEt's his hair dnow as they say, well Joe is goddamn (And I Do me GOD DAMN!) funny!

EXAMPLE: In GRoup today: Some nut whow allways sits nex tot Joe, no maatter wher e Joe sists, this nut is going on ana d on about htis current obsssion, someething about some over nut named Greenspaan and some plot and some let down and some shit about some shit and blah an d on and blah an d on!

Finally, he finissh an d there is silence. Befroae and yone can speak:

Joe say: "I'm gladd we cleared that up!"

Se, SEee?! God DAMN Joe funny!

Still hat the lord, thoughh!
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