
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Sunday, March 21, 2004

( Joe's title not mine).

Jeremy here: typing for Joe again. Joe is having surgery tonight if the doctors can fit him in. Joe dictated some words for you all for me to type tonight. I'll do it because I do love this boy As screwed up as he is, it sure ain't his fault. He got dealt a bad hand, that's for sure.

So where is Satan? (begins Joe). I mean shouldn't he be subverting my soul? He was suppossedly always out there looking for me hunting me, before I didn't meet Jesus. I mean, I never met The Man, I mean, Jesus.

Tough job for old Nick now, huh? He should shake my hand for all the good PR I'm giving him. He's probably as big of a snooze-hound as the King of the Matresses himself...

(more of this. I'm sorry but this is the third 12 hour shift in 48 hours for me and I do have children. Let me jump to the part Joe stressed as being all important)

If I meet Him this time on the other side here are my words: "too late, sucker."

And Joe stresses again and again how important this is. So now you know, and Jeremy can go home and get a few hours sleep. This kid is seriously hurting, if any one is reading this thing of Joe's, and could use a prayer if you care. I pray because I am a Christian man and because I do believe that this kid got a bad break.

I'll let you know either way. Jeremy
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