
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Friday, July 16, 2004

A DIFFERENC BetwN A FRiend and JEsus!
JOe Now having a had a frieend or two (EG and JIMMY Best of pals!) kons a few things that JOEl does not:
A friend is not the Son of anything more than hias father who is not a prince or a kin g and certainly not a  a gOD!
Friend is kin d to Joe and 1) does not blow off (sesepecially in a good plleace, like fun place like Cold Cream(whater) or Disneylanbd or Vegas(JOEL:!) and expecially not a GREAT PLACE like...huh and umm...HEAven YOU DICK!
Firnd is not fond of graveyard.
Friend wil die someday (shared intrerest)
Frind if MALE like Firend JOE is cool and not waring robes (IF DOES>?>>!) and has other firends (NOT OLD FARTS WHO FILL BONG daILY AND Kiss HEavenaly ASS). But good friends ss like JOE.
Freind introduce JOe ot other chicks like Jamie (hot) and the one girl at bar plapce. (NOT something like "Lucy this is JOe he loves God like you too tlak to him and hlpe him back to God" message sent to JOel and pass along to Brother Richard who did little lheplp there two!)
Friend is JImmy! LOve ay sport SOUth Bay forever!  FRiend is EG 9where ever ya at! I will build you templ soon enouf with help and good times!
Joe's Thoughts on Friends and tommro on crying being okay.
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