
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Sunday, November 21, 2004


Here is What Joe ask: HOw Joe excuse maam"HOW Joe learn From experience and deal with all of lifiife after after (YOu know, see aobove title of said BLog). JOe ask;l

Answer is " blah blaah perhaps Paranoid." Clinciccal thi and that. Is thi what JOE pAY MONEy for? ON a Fukdo-aoip Sunday?

SO Joe is many somarts and saving all smarts so look up here is this:
Definition: An unwarranted tendency to interpret the actions of other people as deliberately threatening or demeaning.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors: People with a paranoid personality disorder are suspicious of other people, and they are usually unable to acknowledge their own negative feelings towards others. They do not lose touch with reality.
concern with hidden motives
expects to be exploited by others
inability to relax
inability to collaborate
social isolation
poor self image
poor sense of humor
easily slighted

GOT THAT? Ok: Joe make LIsts too: Go like this: FIrst (1) is this -- use of word "people' Jesuse is no people bby annny complicateeed expoenent of whathefuck! HE IS A GOd. "actrions of Other people" "suspicious of people" So Joe is "persssuctin ffeling from" God!

@2ndely and #2 is such from list of Symptoms: "poor sene4se of humor" JOE IS ONE FUNNY FUCK as all whoo read here now knew!

C) "easilyslighted is one " JOE Fess up too this one. Joe on edddge latley WHY?> TRY to guees?:: Perhaps it is DEnIED BY GOd's Son -- that might be no IS Nubbmer one reason and D) BAck to 2) joe is fuuNNY! SO

Not paranoiaad. Besiede Joe hav too much to live for now. Girl is wonderfula n d beuatuflul and sooooooooooooooooooo fun with. Moreover, Joe have plans now. Plan s to be an okay with everythinnnnng (NOT INCLUDING DICK HEAD FROM TITLE (see avove for title of blog an d my thoghts on such

Check bakc. Joe more than okay
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