
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Joe is walkin alone down street of brokn dreams--is like a hero in a movie: so sad and lonely sitill fucked up by Pooh death scenees.

":PSST kid wanna job" is what JOe haers. JOE tell a lie: the guy ask: "you ever 2work a cccamera". JOE LIE IS this: "Yes."

compared oooto BIG Lie JOe told by Sucker-Christt All is good 99(as kids today are sayin). I MEAN I w a s TOLD I be met by CHRISt at gat and where hehehe at, never show, whiwhch is lie to NOT JUST joe but all of mankend!!! and aLL HUmnanitty --
beside JOe is very unhaappy as mentioon and bummed about the losss of Pooh and horrirrd potrayle of Death by Diney of Pooh Death.

So JOe have new jobs: Shoot film (0or viddeo, JOee hip to linggo now) and clean up after:

First day is aokay; weird; here it is: LIKE THIS: Joe shooting rolling camera (linggo for you all who now Knwo less than JOe) -- ACTION! yell some guy and all this stuff happen. Lotos of men and spanking an d on a STAGE somewhere far from JOE (so uesing "zooming", again a wor d for you newbyes) ans SINGING. Maybe a band is playing ore maybe it is all a laugh for somebody not in the room-- EVERYONE THERE V ERY SERIOUS.

Joe enjoyuing new job : BUT: there is a MESS gettin made on this stage (Joe try concenentrate on "rollling camera' part of job)buyt: more an dmore of mess and JOE must clean up after.

Anaalysies by "Dirctor" is this: Good JOb for JOE first half of job -- but too much "zooming" an d too much "FIlming" (should Joe slow down for you all -I ask you are you flllowing me?) of garbag. The stuff on ground. JOe mind slips to second JOB.

GOod work on that of cours. JOE Been cleanin up JESUS shit for Year s and Years now of cours.

Gonna film somemore tomorros. Maybe a "Wedding'or cumshot, unshire.

Nice to bben enploiyed. bye JOE.
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