
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Sunday, December 12, 2004


Some good though: HERE is that;
JImmys say make a List: Okay, NUMBER ONE: DIGBY! DiGBY DIE!


Jimmy put bad thoughs in in head. Make Joe watch a movie called THE Thing. In which a dog (Digby? )is turning into many bad things including people. Who know s who is good and who is the evild dog whooois a realy a THING?

Crafty Jimy then send Joe to Operaa. TO Oapera! An OPREA!@ Wht Fuck?!
(Can you dig that which is JOe AtOPERA oh lah te dah and lah tee)?

SO joe Trip out of that thing, is sorta fun, think asabout the good times Jimmy, then WHOA! Imeaning WHOA!

StorY: IS THis: Dude is dying. He is dying and dying and singing and singin and singing about his dying.

(aside is Joe know aabout KNOW A LITTLE THING OR TWO abut the dying, back to story of dude dying)

So he is dying. And he sings abou tit. And it go like thi(JOE HAVE POINT):

He bitch and moan.

He miss girlreend.

He die for a while then come to(AAGAIN JOE EXPERIENC _this why Jeimmy Send Joe to thingOpera?) and tell all about dying.

Then describe all about dying (missed a few thing sthere pal)
Then THINK hias babe is coming. Is happy.

Then angry about death.

the n REMEMBER LIFE BEFOR E LIFE: He rmemvers some shit that happen befor ehe born.

then think about "Yearnig Death" Is he yearning for death or dying to yearn or some such>

He die.

Bitch (excuse0) his babe show up and is bummed he dead. THEN ALL THESAE king s and hsit cry and curse and everyone has a conffession of sin an d all sorry.


the Chick says.<> I WANT TO DIE!

And Bingo! She does.

That's the end of the stoyr.!

Joe is loving that chick.
CUz Opera end. Other wise, 4 moeere hours of "I want to die, oh, no, oh yes, oh no, ohyesblah blah balh.

Is this message Jimmy want Joe learn? If so, Jimmy just made
along witht he American LIbrary Assoiciation of Sum Such.
Get it togehter people, JOe coming at ya.

And Digby, you better hide, but you know that

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