
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Monday, December 13, 2004

JImmY NO TELL wHO Kill: BUT give 3 TAskS FOR JOE:

#1: This from Jimmy: Get inside O)PERA HALL: same place JOe last night see bouring dying and dying. So Joe?
Easy enuf: just walk in _ i'm her for that one job: "Red cap or Brakedown"? Joe like sound number 2: "BREAKDOWN!" That way,sir
8 Hours later; Joe back hurt a bit and LEARN NUTHHING--nuthing of interest cept this: Elevators slow. DOors are heavvy and have nooone of them stOPeers them Stoppeer Things. -- Too heavy even for a chccair to hold opEn! THe railin on concccductor stand is loos (spscially after JOE tak screws out! GOod luck Eza-Pekka! Don't swing bbaton toooooooo ohard!)
HA ha (famouus JOe sence of Humor)(get you everytime)

#2 is (also from JImmy): Get a Shild a SHield: by wich Joe take 2 mean get a badge a police badge./ Ez enouf for JOe who still working at SMAshiNG PLAcE. JOe smash stuff for people (stuifdios) who make Movies. He smashe props like ,oh, Badges(SHild for Jimmy if listening) (IF so: MIsison almoss accopmplished on tha one, Jimyy Caan sir, maybe even tomorrow.) (If so 0pLEASE SIR tell Joe waht thi s all about.:L)

#3 is tough one: Find JOe Brother. He name is Steve.

THis one a littl tough Jimmy. BUt Joe try

That all ask of JOe, huh/! (the trying part)
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