
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Friday, January 07, 2005


Same message: Plans movoving accoorinding and PERpare! But this time;

This time: Signed: Myrmidons!

Quick Answer now: Joe got Mankowitx Number; so Joe CALL and FIND OUT:

Myrmidons IS AChille’s Warriors; They the mos t incredible warriors of all time; They Greek; They long time agon:-- They sack everything:

But Mankowitx tell Joe also more: Joe know more Than whatt KNEW: which this time OK because Manko tell:

Tell of Helen of Troy: He say “Face lauched a 1000 ships!” GIRL has face like that: Joe not have that mnny ships but if did! Ow! He do it. In a Minutte!

This a make Joe wonder; how Girl srvive with face so beautiful!?! How KEEP IT!?! Joe hav stictchs and all cuts from mulittitple operatiosns: But asllso Joe wear all pain and disappoint of life which of Rejection by SON GOD on face: And jOe like it!

But Joe will try sofen face some – so maybe not look so weird if next to Girl an her Beauty.

“Good luck Joe” say someobydy. Joe sigh and hit him

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