
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Sunday, February 20, 2005


e is wakkin down sttreet - some st4ranger stop JOE - Say "THANK JOE" - thank Joe for SaviNG hIs LIttlE Kid

What fuck?!

Joe all confused an Beeilwildered at moent hyappen - not knw what Say,
NOW know wh
at say:
"DUde, that another FACK JOE!"

Liesten up, FAck JOes, stop doing good thing in JOE NAME: JO e not need good pres, not need it alt all: if lisetne LISTEN TO JOE MESSAGE at ALL: JOE MESSAGE IS:

IS: FUCK IT ALL! Not help lill kids and NOT save YEt i and all other wierd shit JOe learn about recent: JOE not APPreciate all DONE IN NAME:

1 - brining war criiminials to justic
2 - savin engendered speeicys
3- curin disceses.

JUST STOP, FAKC JOES!. IS tough enuuf road JOe on withot you shit!

Color Joe: bewwitchea nd bewilderd
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