
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


(Joshua gone so JOe can type now -- type quieeit -- never know if sick fuck sitll outside window -- watchin JOe)

So SOMEBODY assk JOe day "What is JOb Tibtle"?

Joe never think this b fore -- never asked -- JHOe work so many jobs: SO:

JOE call Jimmy: Jimmy say: Title is "Pal". Well that iss verry nice and Joe belieeve Jimmy mean-- but Jimmy call EVERYBODY "pal".

So JOE CALL CAPPY n BOO: thay are comeedy team and make amany funny joks but this one: JOE NOT GET AT ALL

So JOE CALL TERRRY: He (terry) good with WQOrds: so JOE AKS: TERRY SAY: "Shit Work" -- which make Joe not so happy so ask again and TERRY THINK: and TERRY SAY: "MOTIVATOR"!

So this wahat JOe is: A motivator: And Look like he have (nother) NEW JOB: wchish is motivate some dumb fuck t make a film for a semetary: NAME IS FOREST LAWN>?

IF is Money: Joe do: JOe likin money now: is going to build a temple for my baby.

SO DAMN TIRED: JOE IS; Girl say like JOe whne look scruffy: Well; she Loooove Joe night: he look like shit!

Some sleepin: talk Girl morerow; wake knowin Job Title is MOTIVaTOR:
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