
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Thursday, February 03, 2005


You firend JO in a fouul mood. First off, he break Girel clocok radio to start day ande verything else that follow SHIT: it take too long do everythin: everyboddy calling Joe want tell THERE problem: JOe is feel unprecciated and is stinking mad.

Wait! THis not like JOe. JOe need concentraate on good thinggss inlife;
1) not in Heaveen being blowwn offf by Jezuz CHrist who have beeter thenings do than mememet HIs "friend' JOe at pearly gate
2) Girl
3) JOe new job: Which is:
Woprk for some old comedy taem: OOOOOOLD GUYS: Teery set it up: these guys name of Cappy and Boo (not real name -- is there stage name)) FUCKIn' FUnny guys - Joe tell more later
4) Girl agin - she reeeaal good to joe (joe is winnking and happy do in so)

NOw Joe go punchh a pillow o sumptin!
New clock radio from Joe sooooo good. Two alarm settings! Shine bright so extra night light.

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