
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Thursday, March 10, 2005


somoeone back hurt? IS somoene late court? IS JOE doiNG? IS JimmY ideaS?

joe IS not tell: bu famosus

All joe tell--THIS: Joe nneeding SIDE -KICK! all HERO NEED a sicke-kick!
IF JOE a HERO then:

qualiifiicaitiosns: Mus hate lord (thogh prhaps not much as JOE): mus have ssense of Fun:
Jump In Arms of Joe when ScaRED!: Scaare ezy epspecialllly of GHost!:
Bee funnnyer haff of TEaM: is touggf job: (JOe famous sense humor:)
2) have fnmny nkickmame: liek Grinny mCGee: or Teethy Johnnnnson
3) cactch prhasre: YOUR OWN: susggestons fro joe: sumpnin like: "thhhat one cczy lord you hate sur!" or "not goiing Heaven affer waht you tell me, no wy an no way at all!" or "do not lick that!

4) mus hav owhn car: Joe IS NOT: repeeat: IS NOT piiicking yo ass up AND hooldin you when jump in arms - CHOOSE ONE OR OTTHER- reminder: they are no ghtosts: all in Heaven or HEll - it all a scrrry palce - eiiither with devils (if exxist) or JEsus who a lam e ass and Joe say nuff on said topiic filll a book o two, git it right: (this fun idea for Joe et Grinny bannter!

ALl appppliccants plees pply here: any ideass for sutsuibale cnandidtates SuGGESTIONS PPRecIATED!

THen Joe life coocmplrete; ALReadY Have BEST GRIL!

Respect! I will do this job for you Joe! You know who!
you need a guitar playing sidekick! dirty dan sin is pretty big for jumping scared into your arms though. let me know!
I look real good in a cape, plus I have cool hair!
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