
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Jimmy jus sooting Shit: or?: never know wi JImmY: WHEN SAY:
"Hey Pally!"
then sayin g that and this: and this about friend? some guy? singer? who is anger Jimmy: Jimmy Caan Is Pissed at guy (not rmember name: name is weird): this guy (jimmy taliking) do this and that - fullof own shit - pisisng JImy off: also (jimmmy talkking); "git this, JOE, he already piiick out son g for own funeral"

So JOe jump in SAY: "I happy to help him wit TIME and PLACE!"

Jimmy say WAIT; but first say: "Tha why i LOve You, JOE McCain!"

Speking which--LOVE -- Joe not talk about Girl wekend so much - not wanna bor e and go on and on and lov love bor eing perhaps Faithful v=readiers: joe shoowing resttraint

fuck it: Girl is fantastiiic and fasntasmical: is JOe unnderstanding that one of theeese words might mmean "byond deescriptin"?
IF SO, this Joe feelin for GIrl is "BYOND DEScrIPTION"!

And as KNOW:
JOe somethign of a wordSMIth: hand y with the worsds is JOE: so that he loose to words - abiilty to sujmmon word: apporopriate word or words to be descriribging FEELIGNS for GIRl Is: Is ammaizing: is Unnprrecednt (whiich is WOrd Joe believe mean "wiwithout precedent")

Joe stop: Now: Joe know ffeeling in heart and boody (and joe WILLY) bout Girl so okay: not have word! (will find or not!) IS LOVE!

Message GIRL: JO e love and will hoppe find other words dercribe but LOVE!
MEssage JIMMY: JOe happy kill BOno! (remember name!)
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