
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


All day is JOe on JOB fo JImmy: IS visisiting TOdd B. (this JOe bein carefufl and craffy: B not last ininitial of name an name not TOdd either: JOe craffy). IS Secrtet. becuz is JOe giitting fsomehtin that TOdd B makin for Jimmmy:

Not for JIiimmy real: Is FOR JOE: And Joe do what want with it: And whwt JOe want is what JImmmy ssay: git it?

So JOE waating all day with TOddB: who has a spezil talent: make sumthign JIMMY; soomehitn tha a BLast: is a Bang: and JOe beieing craffy again.
TOdd B spezil talent: but CCCCARAZZZZY: JO all day have listn to talk: to watch stuff on innernet; is plane hittin a builidding: is przident readin a booK; is YAK YAK AYK: about soomeone name is Jeff or now it JIM; IS name is Gannnnon or Guccker or blah and blah blah and blah blah blah

GIvin Joe a break ; this guy a fugging nutcase - lik whole worl a gains him; tkakin spezil iinteres in him; shu up!

JOe jus sit n lissseten and dream a liiitle drieam of Girl. He see her affer little job fo JIMMy morrow. THat is ALL GOood - as the kids are sayin - it is alllllllll GOOOD (bettter: is grate) see my baby!

Cant wai!!!
sometimes a nap is a better idea than the innermanet when you are waiting for something all day.
Don't let the nut job blow up JOe afore he gets to see his girl! That isn't nice. Nut Job should calm down, take a nap, maybe do some knitting.
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