
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


GIrl is gettin sick lasst nigh: and JOe there: she say "Help" and JOe help only way he know how:
With his mouth!
Callin on the phone! an then in the ambulance: is scary tirp JOe cuz lovin Girl and woory: Paaramendics say "woory" so Joe worry woooory woory:
but GIRL Goddam HIliariuos! She bussing JOE UP!

BUISSING JOE UP! so funny wit the bits about this and that: "my thoat"!!: humor of thing she observe: she is obsserving humor: finning humor in things obbserve: and tell JOe all funny thigns: including "do I look weird as feel?" PUNCH IS "NO?!"

(an fuunny funny----- hurt JOE SIDe remember (if could) is som busisness with a Waiiter who
look like Sandr Bullet! (whoever is) is a funny thing! as recall!

when Girl is slepeping: Joe rrmmeber NOTHER riDE TO AHOPSPITAL: is JOE's OWN: and all events tha occur affer

JOE takin momeent ThnK in HOPSICAL (bevore fin GRIL IS fine if be mo CAReful)

When JOe bblieve and BEILIVE: were Joe bbettter? Better- Answer is maybbe no.
other qution: when JOE beielve and BELIVE: is other peoplelle bteter?
Ansswer? IS mabybye YES.

Joe thiikn of Childrren he help. little kids he tech in SUNDAY school and PUT on a play for and sing to and tell abouuut a happy life - JO e think he mayybe have a giff with 1) kids and 2 with the puppets and 3 with the storyy tell he did. SOoo...

SO JOE THINK anothhher nigh!: he jus happy his GIRL is goo and fin and will tell JOke (HOPE) night when out hoppital and JOE see her!(nand lovin her=-GIRL Is who JOe will Love-)

Love also all who takin time read abbout ol JOe Woes! (an prayyer for GIRl)(but not to him!)
JOe, I pray to kitty god, Bastet, and Buddha and Yaweh, for Girl!

Even though I do not know who Yaweh is...! Is safe, I think.
I love that you, like myself, are keeping prayer as a part of your life and keeping those prayers away from the big fraud-not-in the sky.
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