
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Sunday, April 17, 2005


AT Joe Place: IS Joe alone: but not

He lookin rounnd he place: is you friend JOE: is lookin and - all cllean up- nevver know a pawrty in such a curummy little place

but joe see: see this; seein so many peoplle: seein some fellas talkin to some fellsa over here: see a group of thrree: see a ol friiend of someone talkin to a new friend who is old: she old: and gettin long: see some ladies here togehtter (oodd names each): see some body loookin at a wal; see some girl name of RPeet who leaave her "needle woork" behin:

NOW SEE (you) VISUZULIZE THIS: JOE IS IN ROOM ALONE: but not: he surrouined by memembory's : and suorrouned by somemthing he dont oknnw: is ELSE: is

love and goo feeelings for GIRL> JOe lovin Girl she giving him gooooo feelings: but las night: an again NIGHT: JOe feelin it all round room:

Joe part of something new: a couuummunity! a revolutiion? IS love for Girl!
an Gla to be a part of!

awwwwww an feelin good

reall goood

now mus go kill a Rat for Jimmy! With pleasure, sur!
happy birthday party, girl!
This was oddly compelling. Touching.

We're all just puppets anyway, though, right?
Poor rat...

Unless Rat is a person, then ok.
is a person
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