
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Monday, April 18, 2005


(nott so being so good:

HERE IS: dream:: JOE is same guy is - bu8t this time no accident - no hitt by chuurch bus: JOe jus cross the stteet that day.

so Joe jus groowing up like planned: he not get head innjry: he not get cattscam: he noot get ttelling by doooctros o f a groowth in brain: HE NOT DIE foor 1;51 minutes and secconds RESPEcTIVLEY: he not go heaven and he not YOU KNOW REST

so here is Joe juss crooosing the sttreet - perhapps he wavin at th passing bus - no bloood on bumpper in thiiis world - IS ALTERNATVE WORLD

so Joe life is goooing as planned by all: by Mom (MS>. MCpupPT) by preaccher by chuuurch coummunity.

so jo is fiinishin his schoolin at his chuucrch and his school (whiich is same thing) an pertinding to all ask that he "homee shcooling". He reeciving that lletter he waiiiting on: the one frrom the school in Idaaho: the one whwere they teach good but teach allso in God name: he e getting in! He getting A's aon all finnnal pappers and bein champ of Biible Quiz teaam!

Here is Joe gooing to coolleg; he goooing to be a miniiister: he goooing to have his own chuurch; THIS IS GOOOING TO HAPPEN FOR JOE!

mabye Joe hoolding hands in chappel with a goood lil girl: mayb JOe goooing on Miiisoinary woork to Africcka or Asiia or othther placces in need of Lorod: maybbe Joe prarying a good deal: perrpahs Joe becomining goood at pray: lead all people and tel of his thouughts: He THOUGHTS that he havving at this school in at top of Uniited Sttates

all time is this: IS JOE!

all time is thi: IS JOE noot knoowing bout that brrain tumor: wiich is prrexixiting conditiion: DOCTORS VERERY CLEAR on SUBJEC: nooooot cauused by church buus acciden: acciden a lucky thin (Or HAND GOD - sayin MRs. Mccpuppet and ppreaecchers) : allerting all to tummor wichiic will


so DREAM IS THSI: Joe lliivng this other life: an Joe not knoowing that any second he goooing to die!
and - in oother life - JOE is noot knowing that where he goooing he will be severrvley bloown off by sooomone he spppend his WHOOLE LIFEE thikking bout and prarying to and teeaching woords of- he willl be bloown the fugk off and ruudlley rebukked by the KING of KINGS by the SON OF GOD!

I FEEL SOORY FOR THAT JOE! HoopPING he DIE SOON an d git msytery solve!

bu cry a little cuz he allso me: is alloso this JOE
Oh, that is sad. Did they get the tumor out or is it still in there? in this reality
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