
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Monday, April 04, 2005


JOe: 1) spend mornning with Mooorticians and 2) is brakcing shit for studios 3is) Night and with GIrl! lee mee brake it doown for ya

-- mortiiicians: IS job for TEERRY: IS HARD ESPLAIN: Lee Joe try:

Teery wannta do a job for Moortiicians: make then a liiitle movie about the grraveyard where tey workin: is lots of moony for Teery: so he e got itall set up: nice spred of foood: a liitle movie he make to shoow them: som big shoot writters and some big shooot dirrector: an Joe.

TERRY put on a liitle show: show the movie: try make them eat: but morticians (JHOE LEARNING) do not EAT (inneresing); all talk - big shots - then


Joe job: tell about death! Eezy: Joe been theere and doin that!

-- NUMBER TWO: braking shit! This is fun bu seccond nature JOe, so not much tell! Did brake a prop from some Mous MOvie and rip a WC FIelds pOster and pocket a LCPD badge (maybe comin in hanndy one day)!

3) is GIRL: is mosly Joe secreet: for mmany lovin woords are wshipered: many sstories related and porooclmations of lov:
an Joe noot one speak out of school (as sayin go) or tell of deliicate an priivate maatters tha only concerning two liillile lovvebirds; so Joe only will say this about veery spezila evening: Is that Joe dick is tiingling cuz Girl fugging har and sez reealy good

1 - mortiiicans don eat
2 is: brake a mous's house an get a baddge
3: intimmate times with lov of Joe life and reealy goo sez
I want a lot of moony.
You would have loved the party where we burned the set of MTV's Real World SF on the beach. I am assuming that you like fire as much as smashing things.

Sorry about the lack of comments lately, been busy and blogspot is cranky.
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