
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Haqppy day from JOe! IS a diifuclut time of year for joe: to see Mrs. MCpUppet! He rrmember all so many hard things that she teach that HARDER turn out be bullshit (lke Jesus meet you at gate of haeaven: it not true: see aboive tititle)

Harder: JOE now Realiziain: r FOR JOe mom, - maybe! Looke! She mus look at Joe uglly mug as he ssaying: "Happy MOTHER day': and she mus rememmber that she makin this moontster.

an JOE is uglly: the scars an the stuuff from multitle opearatsion: and the fuuunnyway he talkin soomtimes: MUS be hard for GIRL to look at too! IS beatuy and Beast with GIRL; joe tell aya;

and JOE mom - she makin JOE and she rememmeber perpahhps a happy lllittle mmemory of lille JOe in diappers perhaps or sinnging a liittle song bout JEsus with a angeleic voice or something.

Andyway! Lovin you MOM despiite fac JOE now monsster in your eyes - and eyes o many!

Joe an adorable beast.

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