
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Thursday, May 05, 2005


IN it: manny fancy devicies: some of which are tappe recoorders and oththers: are viideo cammeras: who from? WHY?

IS ovibious toa ll readders of this by all: IS FRom Goovenrment! Why? For reocording of all Joe bedroom connversations when slleepin: they (agennts) hear of Joe inner conveesrations with JImmy and wannt a piiice of action

FORGUT IT! Only GIR:L can hear JOe innner thouughts: thhat shooull d be oobvious too to all readers and by all!

WHy? DUUmub question: she only one makking Joe hearrt jump and peenis exxplode!

ask girl how the dan can find one like her...not yours joe...like yours...

Dan, what about Leggy Pee? ;)
man, pisser...don't get me started...she's a beauty, but she's no girl like Joe's Girl! I am thinking she's about to kick me to the curb.
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