
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


jIMMy not mad at all! in fact, he dooing sweetes thing for JOe an GIRL: is a weddin preent of soorts: HE GEETING DIVORCED!

Yah, says Jimm-y to JO(E: "you love that you shharing wit GIRL is soo inppiiring: it remmindin JImmy of whhat real lofve bein!' so he sayin he goobyes to he wife of 10 year: don worry they still hgoo friends.

WIERD: thjis connve3rsation with Jimmy COMplETLY slipping from JOE mind.
HOW he remmmember? Thankkin to GIRL!
new DIsoocovery isw JOE talkking in he selleep(NEVer KNWOING THAT onE!_) and GIRL liissen verry carefully and evenn takking notes: TELL Joe all bout in moorning.

And THAT HOW JOE REM#EMBER! Ain GIrl the bess thing ever? JOE suure thinking so!
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