
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Monday, June 27, 2005


My neew friends: who I thiinking I can trus and do mmany thing with: they shoowin a weiird sitde of selves:

They afraided of the Religion folk! They afriid that they
1) sue them
2) find them
3) desttory they life?

JOe Growing up with thesee people. These peoplle so damn stupopped - and they all fifighting one ant90ther all time: over how ool.d world is: which bibible belieive in: do you baptitisze -and is it a lititlw water on a head or is it "full emmersion" in to water: THESAE LIFE AN DEASTH ISSUES FO THESE POPLE!

So I say to my new fririiends: look, theese duumbies so busszy fuighting one another - if they can get a attack togteher; and even if they FOUCUS all THEY ENRGRY on YOU!: it woon't las tooo long, cuz any "group" or 'colition" will fall apart in very few seconds
and they fiigthing seleves again!

TAK IT FROM JOE! HE LIVVED IT (and DIED IT, too) (*see titilbe above)

(and Foroget not, the GOLden RULE: JOE is one fuuunny mOthherfucker!!!!
I agree, these people need to be "stupopped."
Maybe the religious right is the one putting too many carriage returns in your blog.

I wouldn't put it past those buggers!
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