
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Is No spezil resaon: Or no spezil time or eveeent:

MESSAGE IS: IS THIS: IS: LOvin You Girl! You makin Joe soooo happy and wantin to marry allloveragian (*Ha!) Wish giv flowers all days an every moment meetin: and makin a bed of rfresh sheet for you lye on all time: an spen evey momen of evey day ruybbin fett and makking laugh and finning a way put a smil on you face: and aslo to give ya all the power of world: TO DO things you will do: and make stories: and make a babey or twoe!

SO : >O: Is this: Is Love and all that comin with (See message above pleze):

TO ALL Else:

Do NOt EAT CHRIST'S SHIT (is a liTLTLE WAfer) an DON NOT DIE! (is bad place eithtter dirction you go*up or down!)
We will try our best, JOe!
doncha worry about me...I have been working overtime doing the devil's work.
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