
I'm Joe McPuppet! I used to have a life! I wrote plays for children and perfromed them at Sunday School for the Children! Then I nearly died and guess who didn't show up!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


At th work: Terrey alwys reall caarefkul aroujnd JOe when aRound the suubjoect of JEsus(And righht to be: jOe WILL goo off!@)

HERe hte FUnnY: IS this: IS: JOe reectly learne that Clients (many of whooch) are to Belief that JOE IS A CHIRSITIN!
which is HWy JTeery allways so careful@!!@@

IS Thaat a HOot or whaT?!
JOe a CHiristin.- Can't get oover that one! HA!
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